02 January, 2011

Best album of 2010

Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti – Before Today

There aren’t many albums that spring to mind that on the initial play come across like a confused mess only to reveal themselves as works of genius after repeat listens. Before Today is a collection of new and old alike. The older songs have been kicking around Ariel’s home made tape collection for probably decades, now recorded with a real band they sound sublime. Not in a slick way you understand, but now with a sense of purpose. Fully realised.

Prior to this first major release Ariel has been the master of bedroom producing, making ‘music’ in one take, using his mouth as a drum kit and playing a broken sounding guitar. Now this has been cleaned up slightly the songs stand on their own. I first head this when driving to Manchester to see Flight of the Conchords. Mix in the noise of traffic and the car on the road I was certain that this was the reason for the lo-fi rumble and disjointed sounds confused me. I wrote it off for a couple of weeks, but there it sat on my hard drive silently knowing I would return.
Fortunately, I did. But it took time. I saw the light when I was driving next to the beach whilst the sun was setting. No one was around, it was silent – except the lead single “round & round”. There I was, nodding my head when the chorus kicked in. I got goosebumps all over my arms. It was emotional. I mouthed the F word and drove on, knowing that not only was I listening to one of the greatest songs ever, life was good. It is the kind of album that you associate with a time and a place. Memories that stay with you that have their own soundtrack.

What makes this album resonate and perhaps stick out from everything else is that it sounds like no other band in the world. It spans multiple genres and is retro but familiar. You could swear you have heard snippets of the songs before. They feel like old worn homemade tapes you find in a second hand car. Jingles from TV adverts you subconsciously digest whilst channel flicking. This will be an album unearthed in 20 years time and hailed as a classic. I guarantee it.

I cannot recommend this enough. It will require repeat listens, give it the time it deserves. I love it so much I could sincerely place it in my top ten albums EVER. Seriously, its up there with Forever Changes & Dark Side of the Moon. If lead single “Round & Round” doesn’t open up some recess in your mind that makes you re-evaluate what you consider music – there is probably something wrong with you.

Other honourable mentions:

Vampire Weekend - Contra
Lupen Crook – Pro’s and Cons of eating out
Les Savy Fav – Root for ruin
Arcade Fire – The Suburbs
Magic Kids - Memphis
Unkle – Where did the night fall?
Liars – Sisterworld
Klaxons – Surfing the void
Oh no ono – Eggs
Tame Impala – Innerspeaker
She & Him – Volume 2
Local Natives – Gorrilla Manor
Emeralds – does it look like I’m here?
Morning Benders – Big Echo

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